A Guardian ad Litem serves to represent your children’s best interests. If your children’s success and happiness is your goal, start with the services of an experienced Guardian ad Litem.
A Guardian ad Litem is a person appointed by a Court, usually through consent of both parents, and entrusted to investigate and make recommendations to parents, and ultimately to a Court about what parenting time and decision-making situation would best serve the children in the family. A Guardian ad Litem meets with and gets to know all parents and caregivers, performs home visits at the parents’ home where she interacts with the child(ren), talks with doctors, teachers, therapists, and friends and family members involved in the children’s lives, and reviews pleadings and any other documents provided by the parents or their lawyers. A Guardian ad Litem may also research various school, medical and psychological conditions or learning challenges, and any other issue that could impact the children in a particular case. Carrie has been a trained and active Guardian ad Litem since 2014. The vast majority of cases Carrie has made recommendations for have settled well before trial. However, in the event of a trial, Carrie is a seasoned advocate for children and has been subject to cross-examination many times.